A Roofing Company in Iowa City Explains Common Problems Caused by Poorly Installation–When it comes to your roof, roofing companies in Iowa City want to make sure that it is installed correctly and that any issues are resolved quickly. Poorly installed roofs can cause a number of problems that can be expensive and time-consuming to fix. Here are some of the most common problems caused by poorly installed roofs:


A Roofing Company in Iowa City Warns About Leaks: One of the most common problems with poorly installed roofs is leaks. If your roof isn’t properly sealed, then water can seep in and cause damage to your home or business. This could include rotting wooden beams, mold growth, or even flooding. In some cases, the cost of repairs can reach into thousands of dollars.


A Roofing Company in Iowa City Warns About Poor Insulation: Another problem that can be caused by the poor installation is poor insulation. If your roof isn’t properly insulated, then heat and cold can escape, making your home or business uncomfortable and costing you money in energy bills. Without proper insulation, your heating and cooling costs could skyrocket over time as air escapes through gaps in the roof.


A Roofing Company in Iowa City Warns About Shingle Problems: Shingles that are improperly installed can also cause a number of problems. For example, if the shingles aren’t nailed down correctly, they can come loose and blow away in strong winds. Also, if the shingles aren’t overlapping correctly, they can allow water to seep in and cause leaks.

These shingle issues not only lead to more costly repair bills but may even void your warranty from the manufacturer of each product used in the installation process, according to roofing companies in Iowa City.

Roofing Company in Iowa City

A Roofing Company in Iowa City Warns About Ventilation Problems: Poorly installed roofs can also lead to ventilation problems. If your attic isn’t properly ventilated, it can cause a build-up of heat and moisture which over time will lend itself to an ideal environment for mold spores to grow.

This leads to significant repair costs along with potential health risks related to mold infestations such as respiratory illnesses or asthma attacks for people who come into contact with it too often without protection precautions in place.


A Roofing Company in Iowa City Warns About Structural Damage: In some cases, poorly installed roofs can even cause structural damage to your home or business if not done following proper protocol and material components within local building codes. Depending on how bad it gets, this type of damage could end up costing you tens of thousands if it is not addressed quickly.


For peace of mind when hiring roofing companies in Iowa City for repair work or new installation always consult with their previous customers about past job performance metrics & quality control measures followed before selecting one contractor over another.

That extra step taken up front may save you headaches down the line! As always, going local has many advantages, so don’t hesitate when finding qualified providers for any job requiring professional touch-ups for improved results.


At Robison, a Roofing Company in Iowa City

We Stand Behind Our Word and Our Work!

At Robison, we are your trusted source for commercial roof repair in Iowa City. We provide fast and professional service for every kind of roof. Our team of professionals is here to service your roof from start to finish, we even provide residential roof repair in Iowa City. We are also a metal building contractor in Iowa City.

For a free estimate on your next project, fill out an online form here or call us at 319-363-0110.

Roofing Company in Iowa City  

Robison is committed to providing you with the best options for your roof system and design. We approach every roofing project with a focus on functionality, cost, and aesthetics. Each project is handled with a unique perspective and integrity. Ingenuity and an eye for solutions make Robison the obvious choice for residential, agricultural, commercial, and industrial roofing systems.