A Leading Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids Discusses the 4 Best Ways to Tell if Your Roof Has Raccoon Damage — A roofing company in Cedar Rapids knows how concerning raccoon damage to your roof can be. Not to mention that the sound of raccoons scampering across your roof can get annoying very quickly, especially when you’re trying to sleep. Raccoons can cause damage to your roof, home, yard, and any outdoor personal belongings. Not to mention, they like to root through your trash.

Raccoons like to take up residence in your home through your attic, chimney, and sometimes even your walls. It’s important to regularly check around your home and roof for any sign of raccoon damage.

At Robison, we take pride in being a leading roofer in Cedar Rapids and strive to be Eastern Iowa’s most trusted roofing and building contractor. We are committed to providing you with the best options for your roofing system and design, and we approach every project with a focus on cost, functionality, and aesthetic.

Getting any roof damage fixed immediately is important, especially if raccoons cause it. That’s why a leading roofing company in Cedar Rapids compiled a list of the 4 best ways to tell if your roof has raccoon damage.

Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids

Check For Roof Holes

According to roofing companies in Cedar Rapids, a sure sign of raccoon damage to your roof is medium-sized holes. Most raccoons won’t make large, gaping holes to access your home. Instead, they’ll chew a hole just large enough for them to squeeze through. The holes will most likely lead to the attic, so that’s the best place to start your search if you think you have raccoons in your house.


Torn Roofing Insulation

A residential roofer in Cedar Rapids believes that torn roofing insulation is commonly caused by raccoons or other pests that have made their way into your roof. To access the warmth of your attic, raccoons will have to chew their way through your roof, and they’ll tear your roof’s insulation in the process.

According to a leading roofing company in Cedar Rapids, damaged or missing insulation can increase your energy bill cost. This is because your home can’t regulate temperature as well. It’s important to have any missing or torn roofing insulation replaced so you can keep your home comfortable all year long.


Damaged Or Missing Shingles

If you notice any damaged, torn, or missing shingles on your roof, it could have been caused by raccoons. According to a leading roofing company in Cedar Rapids, raccoons will damage your shingles when chewing their way through your roof. The roof is the easiest way for animals to access your home, so they chew their way through your shingles and underlayment to access your attic.

Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids

Raccoon Nests

As the name suggests, raccoon nests are a sign that the animals have taken up residency in or around your home. A residential roofing company in Cedar Rapids suggests looking for large clumps of grass or other materials, essentially a giant bird’s nest, on your home’s roof or any trees around your home.

According to a leading roofing contractor in Cedar Rapids, raccoons can carry fleas and ticks, as well as cause severe damage to your home. It’s important to have them relocated as soon as possible.

Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids

Call a Leading Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids Today

Robison is a committed roofer in Cedar Rapids that provides our clients with the best options for your roof system and design. We approach every roofing project with a focus on functionality, cost, and aesthetic. Each project is handled with unique perspective and integrity. Ingenuity and an eye for solutions make Robison the obvious choice for residential, agricultural, commercial, and industrial roofing systems.

Contact us online or call us today to discuss your roof repair or replacement!

Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids