4 Winter weather is upon us, which means you are going to have to be dealing with the harsh Midwest winter very soon. This could mean ice, sleet, snow, and lots of it! The bitter cold can take its toll on your roof, so it’s good to know some common winter roof issues and identify them before it’s too late. Here are some issues to be aware of this winter, according to Robison, the best roofer in Cedar Rapids.


A Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids Warns About Leaks in Your Flashings

Flashing is the metal strips that are put along the edges and corners of your roofing material. A harsh winter storm can cause the flashings to break away and leak. Flashings should be thoroughly examined about twice a year to make sure they are in good shape and able to protect your roof from moisture.

Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids

A Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids Warns About Strong Winter Storms

Winter storms can wreak havoc on your roof. Not only can a windy winter storm cause damage and loosen your shingles, but they can also dump heavy snow and ice onto your roof. It is critical to make sure your roof is in the best possible shape to be able to withstand a strong winter storm. Make sure and contact a roofing company in Cedar Rapids to take a good look at your roof before winter weather hits. Being proactive with your roof can help prevent significant damage.

Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids

A Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids Warns About Ice

Ice is a big contributor to winter roof leaks. When ice collects on your roof, it typically thaws a during the day and then refreezes at night. When this happens, the melted water can gather near your roof and could potentially leak into your home.

This is especially true if there are any cracks in your shingles or guttering system. Ice can also cause your gutters and the roofing system to break down due to the excess weight. This can also cause gutters to fall, which creates exposed areas of your roof, according the best roofer in Cedar Rapids.

Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids

A Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids Warns About Trees

If you have any big trees that give you shade during the hot summers, you can see the benefit of having them tower above your home. However, in the cold winters, this can mean danger to your roof and your home. Trees falling onto your roof can be catastrophic for your home, the contents inside, and could even put your family in danger.

Large trees and branches can also fall on nearby cars parked or even onto people. If you have a big winter storm that dumps snow and ice onto a nearby tree, the weight can be too much to support and result in branches falling onto your roof.


At Robison,

Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids: We Stand Behind Our Word and Our Work!


At Robison, we are your trusted source for commercial roof repair in Cedar Rapids. We provide fast and professional service for every kind of roof. Our team of professionals is here to service your roof from start to finish, we even provide residential roof repair in Cedar Rapids. We are also a metal building contractor in Cedar Rapids.

For a free estimate on your next project, fill out an online form here or call us at 319-363-0110.

Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids

Robison is committed to providing you with the best options for your roof system and design. We approach every roofing project with a focus on functionality, cost, and aesthetics. Each project is handled with unique perspective and integrity. Ingenuity and an eye for solutions make Robison the obvious choice for residential, agricultural, commercial, and industrial roofing systems.

Roofing Company in Cedar Rapids