Residential roof repair in Des Moines – A well-ventilated roof will last longer and better protect your home than a poorly ventilated one. Is your roof properly ventilated? Look for these signs that you have a problem and need residential roof repair in Des Moines.

Sign #1 – Residential Roof Repair in Des Moines: Algae on Your Roof’s Surface

If you notice dark spots, streaks, or patches on your roof, this is likely due to the presence of algae. Algae thrive in warm and humid environments; if your roof doesn’t have enough ventilation, humidity can build up beneath the shingles and create an ideal environment for algae growth. If you suspect that you may need additional ventilation, contact a professional for residential roof repair in Des Moines.

Sign #2 – Ice Dammed Edges – Residential Roof Repair in Des Moines

An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edges of your roof and prevents melting snow from draining. Ice dams can cause significant water damage to your home if left unaddressed, so contact an experienced residential roofing company in Des Moines for a thorough inspection and advice on improving ventilation to avoid ice dam formation.

Residential Roof Repair in Des Moines

Sign #3 – High Electricity Bills – Residential Roof Repair in Des Moines

If you have been noticing an increase in your monthly electricity bills, it may be a sign that your roof isn’t adequately ventilated. Inadequate ventilation can cause your home’s interior to become uncomfortably hot, making it difficult for your air conditioning system to maintain a comfortable temperature. This can lead to increased energy consumption and higher electricity bills.

If you want to keep your energy bills under control, it’s essential to have proper ventilation in your home. One way to ensure that your roof is ventilated correctly is by hiring a professional from a residential roof repair company in Des Moines. These experts can inspect your roof and determine if additional ventilation is necessary.

By having proper ventilation in your home, you can maintain a comfortable temperature without relying too much on your air conditioning system. This can help to reduce your monthly energy bills and keep your home cooler during the hot summer months. So, if you’re experiencing high energy bills, contact a roof repair company in Des Moines to get your roof inspected and ensure that your home is well-ventilated.

Sign #4 – Residential Roof Repair in Des Moines: Hot Attic Temperatures

If you’ve noticed that your attic is unusually hot, this could mean it isn’t properly ventilated. Poorly ventilated attics can become extremely hot and humid during the summer months, leading to increased energy bills and damage to your home. Reach out to a residential or commercial roofing company in Des Moines for an inspection of your attic’s ventilation system and advice on commercial roof repair in Des Moines.

Sign #5 – Strong Odors in the Attic

If you detect unpleasant odors coming from your attic, this could indicate insufficient ventilation in your roof. Poor attic ventilation can cause a buildup of humidity and dampness, leading to mold growth and an unpleasant smell. If you detect an unusual odor in your attic, contact a professional for advice on the best residential roof repair in Des Moines.

Residential Roof Repair in Des Moines

Sign #6 – Rust or Corrosion – Residential Roof Repair in Des Moines

If you notice rust or corrosion on your roof, this could indicate a ventilation problem. Moisture can build up in poorly ventilated roofing systems and cause corrosion or rust on metal components. If you see any signs of rust or corrosion, reach out to the best roofer in Des Moines for advice on how best to improve the ventilation in your roof.

Robison Roofing – Commercial Roof Repair in Des Moines

Roof repair and replacement in Des Moines is a significant undertaking. Don’t trust just anyone. At Robison Roofing, we are a residential and commercial roofing company in Des Moines, providing high-quality professional roofing services. We also refuse to cut corners. You can rest assured that your home will be handled with the utmost care and technical skill. Our experienced crews know how to repair any problem and replace even the most challenging roof designs.

Residential Roof Repair in Des Moines

For a free estimate on your next roofing project, fill out an online form here or call us at 515-882-2200.

We are a favorite residential and commercial roofing contractor in Des Moines for a reason!

Robison Roofing

Serving Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, and more!