Building Contractor in Mount Vernon IA: 4 Signs That You Need a New Roof and How to Discover Leaks — Now that the cold weather has left us, now is the ideal time to see if your home needs a new roof; just ask a building contractor in Mount Vernon IAAfter months of frigid temperatures, ice, sleet, and heavy snow accumulations, it might be a good idea to take a thorough look at your roof to see if there are any significant signs of wear and tear.

If there is a large amount of damage, you may be better off replacing the entire roof instead of spending money on residential roof repair in Mount Vernon IA. Here are some of the most glaring signs of damage that indicate it’s time to invest in a new roof.


With almost anything you buy, there is going to be shelf-life; a roof is no exception. If you ask a roofing company in Mount Vernon IA what the average lifespan is for a roof, they will likely tell you about 20 years. Each roof is different, however, based on the elements and conditions that it’s exposed to. If you are unsure how much life your roof has left, be sure to schedule an inspection from a roofing expert at Robison.


Building Contractor in Mount Vernon IA

Increased Utility Bills

A roof with damage or excess wear can allow hot air to escape in the winter, as well as cold air during the summer. This can result in escalated heating and cooling costs for homeowners, especially during days when there are extreme temperatures. If you notice a spike in your energy costs, it may be time to seek help from a building contractor in Mount Vernon IA.


Building Contractor in Mount Vernon, IA

Damaged Shingles

A broken shingle here or there may only require residential roof repair in Mount Vernon IA. However, if there are shingles affected in multiple locations on your roof, there could be extensive damage that can’t be fixed by a quick repair. When shingles start to corrode, curl, or become loose, these are all signs that the roof is nearing its end and needs to be replaced.


Many times, leaks are noticed by homeowners several days or weeks after they occur. A leak might only be exposed to the attic initially and go undetected until the water drips through to the ceiling, and by then, there is a large wet spot on the ceiling that will need to be repaired. A leaking roof in Mount Vernon IA is another common indicator that it is time for a building contractor in Mount Vernon IA to look into roof replacement.


What is the Proper Protocol for a Leaking Roof in Mount Vernon IA?

As a homeowner, you likely cringe at the thought of having a leaking roof in Mount Vernon IA. Roof leaks can lead to multiple other problems throughout your attic, ceilings, and various other parts of your home. So, when you first detect a leak, here are the steps you should take to prevent the issue from getting far worse before calling a building contractor in Mount Vernon IA.


Building Contractor in Mount Vernon IA

Damage Control

After discovering a leak, you may not be able to get an immediate appointment scheduled with the best roofer in Mount Vernon IA. If that’s the case, you need to minimize any damage the leak can cause. Make sure to protect any valuables or electronics that are near the leak by using tarps or waterproof plastic coverings. If possible, move these objects as far away from the leak as you can.

Contain the Leak

A building contractor in Mount Vernon IA  knows if you have a leaking roof that you need to gather buckets, trash cans, or any large waterproof containers you can find and place them under the leak. Place towels underneath each container to absorb any water that may come out from splashes, or you can put a towel inside the bucket.

Building Contractor in Mount Vernon IA


Remove All Water

A building contractor in Mount Vernon IA wants you to be sure to occasionally dump the buckets that contain all the excess water, as they can become heavy over time. Also, make sure to thoroughly dry any carpeting, furniture, or woodwork that may have water on it. Excessive water can leave stains over time and, even worse, can lead to mold growth.


Check with Your Insurance Company

If you suspect any damage to your roof or ceiling due to water damage, make sure to get your insurance company involved. Those who specialize in residential roof repair in Mount Vernon IA know that a homeowner’s policy may not cover a simple leak, but an adjuster might be able to determine if a different issue caused the leak, and that may be covered. An insurance expert will be trained in finding damages that may not have been noticeable before the leak was discovered.

Schedule Repairs

Once your insurance situation is squared away, you should research the best roofers in Mount Vernon IA to determine who is the best fit to do your repairs. It is wise to get bids from multiple companies, but do not just settle for the lowest bid. Look at each company’s reputation, customer reviews, and finished products to determine the best candidate for the job. Make sure to consider Robison as a reliable option for your roofing needs.

At Robison,

We Stand Behind Our Word and Our Work!


At Robison, we are your trusted source for commercial roof repair in Mount Vernon. We provide fast and professional service for every kind of roof. Our team of professionals is here to service your roof from start to finish, we even provide residential roof repair in Mount Vernon. We are also a metal building contractor in Mount Vernon.

For a free estimate on your next project, fill out an online form here or call us at 319-363-0110.

Building Contractor in Mount Vernon IA 

Robison is committed to providing you with the best options for your roof system and design. We approach every roofing project with a focus on functionality, cost, and aesthetics. Each project is handled with unique perspective and integrity. Ingenuity and an eye for solutions make Robison the obvious choice for residential, agricultural, commercial, and industrial roofing systems.